Carrie and I both made it to Atlanta despite Tropical Storm Fay and we are having a wonderful time. We were up until midnight talking and then started our day out with an amazing breakfast out after sleeping in until almost 9:00!!
We then headed for downtown Atlanta and hit Coke.......
then it was on to Centennial Park and then the aquarium. We are back at the apartment to relax then it is out to dinner for Mexican food. I have to admit visiting Atlanta is very different without Brooklyn. I miss her tons but I have eaten all my food warm, slept in, and took all the time I wanted at every tourist trap we stopped at! It has been great hanging out with Carrie too!

You guys look like you are having a ball! I am so glad you were able to get together.......Tropical Storm Fay didn't ruin your plans....yea. Have fun meeting with Ingrid tomorrow...learn lots and tell her Grammy said hi.
kelly, I think the more I get to know you the harder it is to say goodbye! I had a blast this weekend and can't wait to see you again. Hopefully next time it can be both of our families together. Tell George and Margie thanks for everything. They went over and beyond what I ever expected!
Love ya-
Did you get to see our Stone Mountain? It's really nice. Also the area known as Virginia Highlands has some nice restaurants too.
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