Monday, October 25, 2010

October is coming to an end which means we are wrapping up Rett Syndrome awareness month nationwide. Well, it ends everywhere except the homes of the girls with Rett Syndrome. The girls are VERY aware of Rett Syndrome every month of the year, every day actually. Homes like mine where Brooklyn remains trapped inside her body, struggling every minute to communicate with me. Homes where our girls depend on others 24 hours a day to feed them, change them, bath them, entertain them, educate them, love them, and believe in them. Most of all they depend on us to be their voice and to fight for them. They hope that we will continue to raise money to support the research efforts that will one day bring them the cure they deserve. Please...I beg Girl Power 2 Cure in their fight to get our girls back!
Donate today:


Danae Hudson said...

Are you only collecting donations through October?

Brooklyn said...

No way!!! Her link is active year round :) We just have a big "push" for donations since it is awareness month!

Anonymous said...

October may be Rett syndrome awareness month but i will continue to fight for the cure everyday. Hope for Brooklyn and others is something i will never give up on.