Friday, November 16, 2007

My first Masterpiece

I made my first masterpiece for mommy this week. My DT, Carole bought me these HUGE Crayola markers that mommy helped me grip. They are great. I picked what colors I wanted to use and moved my hand around the paper to scribble this for mommy!


Rebecca said...

Absolutely Beautiful! Isn't it the best feeling when they do things like this for us? Before Caitlyn loss her hands, she loved to color! now, it is a challenge to keep the colors out of her mouth!

Samantha said...

It's just beautiful Brooklyn!! Brooke has those same markers at school - they're great.

Anonymous said...

O.K. Brooke, I want you to draw me a picture next. You did a fabulous job!!

The Land of Leckrone said...

You are quite the artist Brook!

Anonymous said...

I hope you are saving all your artwork. We want some for our refrigerator.

Margie and Grandpa

Anonymous said...

Hey Brooklyn,

My fridge has lots of room on it. Put me on your list of people wanting art work. I am really proud of you. Keep up the GREAT work!!!!

Mike and Terri

Mrs. Stock said...

I love the picture, Brooklyn! Those markers are really cool!