Thursday, October 21, 2010

Rett Syndrome Awareness Month

These home movies were taken before Rett Syndrome began to take away Brooklyn's ability to walk, crawl, talk, and feed herself. It hurts beyond any words that I could type here in this blog. During October, since it is Rett Syndrome Awareness month, I of course try my best to spread the word about Rett to make as many people "aware" as possible. But to be honest, that is not enough for me. Watching these videos reminds me how much my daughter has had taken away from her, how much she now has to struggle because Rett Syndrome no longer lets her body and brain communicate the way they should. Seeing these reminds me why I joined forces with Girl Power 2 Cure and their fight for OUR cure. I am sure there are those of you out there sick to death of my plea to help fund research but if it was YOUR daughter who could not run and play and talk to you I know without a doubt you would be begging, pleading, crying just as I am...because the research is being done that will give us our treatments, our cure but it is not cheap. In fact it is expensive - REALLY REALLY expensive. These girls need your support, their parents need your support! Every dollar gets us one step closer. Will you help? Donate today at


Anonymous said...

Kelly, I truly believe we'll see our little angel walk again. But this time she will be running, jumping and singing at the top of her lungs with the biggest smile on her face, and tears will be running down ours! I love you!


The MacDonald Family said...

Oh sweet Brooklyn you are so strong and so determined, just like your mommy! We are fighting for you little one and all of your "sisters". We are going to get you back sweet heart!

Kelly, Brooklyn looks just like Annie did at that age, I love the spaghetti - we always used to say that Annie would eat her food twice :)

Ann Marie said...

always makes me cry to watch a video of our girls before regression. I have some similar videos of Abby. The spaghetti was a favorite here, too.

I agree that one day we will be crying tears of joy. I can't wait to see them all playing together. Then, we'll really have something to celebrate!

Weymouth Electricians said...

Greaat share