I have an amazing Dress Up 2 Cure story to share with you! Megan is a college student (and my former intern!) that also babysits Brooklyn. She called me and told me she wanted to help out Team Brooklyn! She is a waitress at Clay's Restaurant and decided that she would dress up on April 2nd and all her tip money for that evening would be donated in Brooklyn's honor.
Megan dressed up, handed out Brooklyn's cards to all of her tables and even had a video slideshow playing at the restaurant! (You can see the video below) The managers of Clays'; Chass and Ken Baker also told Megan that they would match whatever tips she made! (SO COOL!) Megan called me this morning and is donating $334.80 to Team Brooklyn!!! I was SPEECHLESS!!
She also told me of this woman who left her $100 bill - Megan was not even waiting on this lady! The lady was traveling home to Chicago and had gotten off of the toll road to grab dinner and happened to stop at Clay's! She thought what Megan was doing was great and wanted to donate. I just can't even believe it! I am just so touched by the whole evening - with Megan wanting to donate HER tip money (I mean she is a college student!), with Chass & Ken matching her tips, and with a total stranger making such a generous donation. AMAZING!!! Thank you Megan and everyone at Clays!! You all ROCK!! (Including Mallory who donated her baggie full of change - including her milkshake money!!!)
Megan made this slide show for Brooklyn this past June....most of you have probably seen it before but I thought I would post it again :) Megan did such a great job with it! (although I am not sure why the second song is not coming through now??)
Friday, April 3, 2009
Thanks Megan!!
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10:13 AM
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Thanking God for the angels that come into our lives and the lives of our daughters! The video is too much, I tear up as it starts and just can't make it through.... sooo beautiful!
Wow Megan sounds like a extrodinary person. What a awesome donation to Rett Syndrome. Man that video just hurts to watch, Brooklyn I can't wait to see you walk and talk again just as I did before this horriable disease took over your life. We will see you and mommy and daddy on Saturday.
Wow, what an awesome contribution! I tried to watch the video but it said it was no longer available??? Brooklyn we are so happy that you are off seizure meds. Andrew has the abnormal EEGs too. Praying for her to continue to be seizure free.
It was so much fun watching Megan last night at Clay's "hustling" around, talking about Brooklyn, and passing out her cards! She is amazing! What a great person! Her parents must be really proud of her!....we certainly are.
What an amazing person Megan sounds like. How incredible of her to think to do this for Brooklyn!
What a beautiful video:)
O.k. so this blog made me cry...happy tears of course. God bless Megan!!
Wow! That is really cool. I know it makes you feel wonderful to have all these folks helping to find a cure for Brooklyn and all the other Rett angels. Thanks for letting us know.
Margie and Grandpa George
Megan is an ANGEL and inspiration. What a blessing. The video of Brooklyn is beautiful.
This story brought tears to my eyes. I can tell that Megan is a wonderful person. What a blessing!
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