Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Grammy!!

Tomorrow is Brooklyn's Grammy's (my mom) birthday!

I was thinking about how to tell her how much Brooklyn loves her -I feel like there are just not words amazing enough!

My mom comes to our house every day to work with Brooklyn making sure she gets her therapy, reads to her, or even just sits and watches Wiggles with her for the 100th time. She works hard at making sure Brooklyn is doing all the age appropriate things, she helps us make sure Brooklyn is getting to have a "typical" three year old day. She even takes Brooklyn to preschool and is the "room Grammy" helping all the kids in her class with their literacy skills....she loves it and the kids love her. On top of that, she make sure Charlie and I go on dates and babysits when a sitter is not available. She is truly amazing!

Mom - I love you and hope you have a FANTASTIC birthday! Brooklyn might not be able to sing Happy Birthday to you with her voice or tell you how much she loves you on your special day tomorrow, but you know better than anyone how much she can say with her eyes and that HUGE smile that she gives you whenever you come over!

You know her switch will be set with the Happy Birthday song so she can be the first one to sing to you in the morning:)

We BOTH love you mom - on your birthday and EVERYDAY!!!


Grammy said...

That was the best birthday present I could ever imagine! Brooklyn is truly a "GIFT" for me and everyone she touches! I love you all so much, and thank you for letting me share your lives......I am so blessed! God is good.

Brookie Beanie, I hope you feel better and can go to school tomorrow....we have to par-tay! Grammy already has the grape salad and the pumpkin suckers made. Just have to order the pizza....."I'm felling H-A-double P....Y?...It's my birthday." (The "Guys" sing it much better than me)....See you tomorrow.


Carrie and Avery said...

Happy Birthday, Grammy! Hope it is a wonderful day and the best birthday ever!

Carrie and Avery

Rebecca said...

Happy Birthday Grammy!!!! You are in the running for worlds best Grammy for sure! Hope it's a wonderful day..


Anonymous said...

We still 'hear' - or asked - why we moved to NE Indiana ... I think Brooklyn's B-Day greeting AND Jackson stopping over at the Apartment first thing this morning to wish Grammy Happy B-Day says it best ... why would we want to be anywhere else?!!?

Happy B-Day Grammy and what a better way/day to kick off Rett Syndrome Awareness Month ...

LOVE, Pappy